Sunday, 8 January 2012

Health and Happiness: A Mom's Tale

Why didn't I think of this sooner? I love writing, miss writing and it's a great way to get thoughts "on paper". About me ... a 30-something (29 forever!) mom of three young kids, married for 10 years to a wonderful, supportive husband, educated and creative lady who gives to others. I have four jobs - all part time. Some days are longer than others. I volunteer for three organizations, one of which takes up a lot of time but while doing these activities, I get to spend time with each of my children. My world revolves around children, teaching them, exploring the world with them and I am good at it!

I often am the ear which listens to other's problems. I've heard it all. I am the voice of reason, the voice of encouragement, the voice of new ideas. I have two college diplomas and a certificate. I have yet to find "the perfect job" as a counsellor, which is what I will be searching for once August 2012 is over. I have paid for membership in the OCSWSSW and have not used it to my advantage yet, except for having those little letters after my name. That journey is another tale.

So with the jobs, volunteering and family (and we have pets) down, there is still the house to organize, businesses to keep paper work organized for, friends to spend time with and oh yeah ... ME time. Not much of that guilt-free that's for sure.

Okay, the purpose of this blog is to document, I suppose, my goals towards having a healthier, better organized ME. Not selfish at all. I feel I am mom first, then wife, house manager (sewing, cooking, shopping, cleaning, banking, social calendar arranger, appointment booker, chauffeur, play date arranger, first aider, etc.), self-employed, employee, everyone else's "servant" and then myself.

My 2012 resolutions are to be more organized, have the household chores divvied up amongst everyone and get in better shape. I hope to eat healthier without guilt if I have a snack day. I carry a lot of guilt about many things. I started reading The Happiness Project after Christmas. Good read so far.

January 1st I thought I could try this zero carb diet. I got a bad migraine late in the day and ended up having a slice of toast. I thought no carbs at all, even from certain veggies wasn't a good way to live for me personally. I am active and I know anything lost from that will quickly come back. I decided to try a combination of several and kind of create it myself. I was posting on Facebook my meals and exercises while receiving comments from friends. It was turning into a journal. Here I am.

So I have been using Calorific and Noom apps on my phone. I think I'll ditch Noom. I end up inputting the same info on Calorific. I bought the Making the Cut Jillian Michaels book and a Shape magazine. Read Shape on my treadmill at home over two days. Inspiring.

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